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Sunday, May 16, 2010



Mobile phone is one of the wonderful inventions of modern science. It is a new dimension to our life and to our communication system. It is one kind of telephone system that works without any wire. You can move it easily any where from place to place. Through mobile phone, we can send message to distant places, play game and sports, know about time, and solve any critical work, get update latest news around the world. At present the popularity of mobile phone is increasing day by day. Many companies are also being set up for selling mobile phone. USA, China, Japan has the highest users of mobile phone. The price of mobile is also decreasing day by day. People are being encouraged to buy a mobile phone set at a cheaper rate. However with the touch of technology, the whole world seems to be global village. In a very single moment, we can communicate around the world. With all its advantages, the mobile has some drawbacks in disguise. So everybody can not posses it. Scientists have discovered that mobile phone can cause cancer to the users. Besides, it has become fashion for the young generation. Last but not the least, terrorist are using it to spread terrorism all around the world. Some bad people use mobile phone to black mail their target people. Users should aware of this situation for their safety. At last, we can say that the necessity of a mobile phone can not be denied in the true sense of the term in our practical life.

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