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Sunday, May 16, 2010



Man has three duties –duty to God, duty to parents and duty to mankind. A nurse is such a person who dedicates her whole life to the service is called nursing. The job of a nurse is very noble. It enables to serve the suffering humanity. To be a nurse the minimum academic qualification is higher level. Moreover, one has to study for three to four years in the nurses TRAINING CENTRE and this is followed by one year’s practical training in any Medical College Hospital. This will lead one to have B.Sc. degree in nursing. After completing the course successfully nurses are employed in hospitals and clinics. The job of a nurse is very tiring. She is always busy with her nursing work. She looks after her patients, pushes them injection when necessary. A doctor only prescribes medicines but it is a nurse who helps the patients in taking medicines. A nurse is very vigilant. She gives her best to help her patients. The importance of a nurse can not be described in one word.

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