Meaning of Leadership:
Leadership is a process that involves sharing information and power, inspiring participation, and letting people that they are important.
Leadership is a sequence of transactions with their subordinates.
As a process, The use of no coercive influence to shape the profits or organizations goals, motivate behavior toward the achievement of those goals and help define group or organization culture; as a property, the set characteristics attributed to individuals who are perceived to be leaders.
[Source: Reprinted with the permission of the Free Press, division of Simon and Schuster inc.]
Copyright 1990 by Jhon P. Kotler ,Inc
Leadership is the art of process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of group goal.
[Source: Harry Truman. Former American President]
Define Leadership skills:
Leadership skills are required whether it is for leading a company, family, or nation. Here are some traits that define leadership skills.
Ø Leaders are Emotionally Mature: Leaders always display emotional maturity in every kind of situation they face. They have the skill of holding in their feelings of anger and frustration, and instead displaying calmness and emotional maturity.
Ø Leaders Display Assertiveness: Leaders are characterized by their firmness and strength of purpose. They know what they want and need, and go about achieving it assertively. A leader has the skill to demand and get the cooperation of his/her team assertively in order to achieve the goals set.
Ø Leaders have Self-Confidence: Leaders almost always never require the approval of others about the decisions they take and the actions they carry out. They are very secure about themselves and do not hesitate to accept any mistakes that they may have made. This kind of self-confidence is often the result of facing and overcoming challenges as they occur.
Ø Capacity to Work Hard: Hard work does not daunt leaders. This is a particularly important leadership skill as only when the leader shows by example how hard he/she can work will the team follow the leader likewise.
Ø Leaders have Self-Awareness: This implies that leaders are conscious of their priorities, motivations, weaknesses, and strengths. They are aware of what they need to do in order to improve and exactly what is driving them to achieve what they have set out to do. Ø Leadership Skills involve Building Relationships: Leaders have the inherent ability of earning respect from their team members and building their trust. This is a vital contributory factor of the productivity of teams. |
Using technique on employees and complete a task done is known as Leadership. Right Leadership brings the success in management.
I. Development of co-operation.: Leaderships makes a good relation among employees. Where there is care and kindness, good co-operation commence here.
II. Creating unity: Leader makes the strong among the employees or workers in the work place. As a result all employees work for one goal.
III. Establishing discipline: Leader always makes a strong for the employees. When leader motivates the workers, discipline made by their own.
IV. Creating inspiration: Leader collects all tasks from the employees by motivating the employees. As a result, employees don’t get bored.
V. Achieving goals: A correct leadership leads the way to success. It bears the most important elements for the company. A strong leadership is the key to success.
VI. Development of morale: It is very important for the employee. A good development of morale increases the production of a company and it also make a branded product.
VII. Establishing of authority: A good Leadership is favorable to all. So all employees depends on good leader for the achievement.
VIII. Proper co-ordination: To achieve a goal leader need to cross various levels. An expert Leader can lead the way to success.
IX. Increasing efficiency: An expert Leadership gives a correct dirction to the company at a current time. Working in right time makes the employers expert.
X. Creating Allegiance: Leadership creates satisfaction among workers. If the workers are satisfied then there will be a wonderful atmosphere in the working place.
Management and Leadership is not same. Management is the art getting things through people. And Leadership is the process of encouraging and helping others to work enthusiastically toward objective. Differences between management and leadership are given below…
Subject | Management | Leadership |
1. Work type | 1. The manager administers; | 1. The leader innovates. |
2. Background | 2. The manager is a copy; | 2. The leader is an original. |
3. What is the work | 3. The manager maintains; | 3. The leader develops. |
4. Focus | 4. The manager focuses on systems and structure; | 4. The leader focuses on people. |
5. Dependent | 5. The manager relies on control; | 5. The leader inspires trust. |
6. View | 6. The manager has a short-range view; | 6. The leader has a long-range perspective |
7. Asking system | 7. The manager asks how and when; | 7. The leader asks what and why. |
8. Looking View | 8. The manager has his or her eye always on the bottom line; | 8. The leader’s eye is on the horizon. |
9. Follow | 9. The manager imitates; | 9. The leader originates. |
10. Reality | 10. The manager accepts the status ; | 10. The leader challenges it. |
11. Background in working area | 11. The manager is the classic good soldier; | 11. The leader is his or her own person. |
12. Goal | 12. The manager does things right; | 12. The leader does the right thing. |
Leadership is something valuable in every working place and in society. Although leadership is important, it has some limitation. Manager depends on management. And Leader Depends on Leadership. A Manager can not be Leader. But A Leader a can not be a manager. Manager target is accurate with time and hard routine. The explanation is given below…
Ø Education: A leader is only well educated with his leadership skills. Without education a leader can not go forward.
Ø General Knowledge and Intelligence: A leader has intelligence and good knowledge about Leadership. He can solve any problem in any critical situation. But it takes long to manage a situation for a Leader.
Ø Patience: A leader has Patience ability. He can complete his work patience.
Ø Responsibility: A leader is aware of his Responsibility. He attracts his comrades or employees with his responsibility and work. But he can not make responsibility for an employee.
Ø Foresight ness: A leader has the high thinking ability about present and future. He can manage any obstacle situation with his Foresight-ness ability. But he can not think it in a short time.
Ø Diligence and Tolerance: A leader has Diligence and Tolerance. Leader work for long hours and he also can complete a hard work with in that time. Otherwise, he can not control his comrades. But sometimes he can not work on hard schedule.
Ø Experience: A leader has good experience with the present reality. Without experience there is no controlling. This reality only goes for leadership works.
Ø Communicative Efficiency: A leader has a good Communicative Efficiency with others. Without communication he can not get information. Leader only has the limits. He can not go beyond his limit.
Ø Teaching Power: Leader has good teaching power ability. If any of his workers faces problem with any work, he helps them. He helps his comrades or subordinates or employees with his good teaching ability. Leader can not avoid his workers without helping them.
Ø Technical Knowledge: A leader has a good knowledge about Technical work. Modern age is full of technology. Technical Knowledge is essential in his work place. He has to take burden on him.