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Sunday, May 16, 2010



A moonlit night is really charming and enjoyable. It presents a beautiful sight. It dazzles our eyes and sooths our heart. In a moonlit night the moon looks like a disk of silver. The moon bathes the whole world with her silvery light. The watery places means canals and rivers and tanks seem to smile on a moonlit night. It is very hard to enjoy moonlit night in city area. Because city area is a congested place. There is hardly any open space to enjoy the moonlit night. The grand spectacles the canals, river and tanks presents can not be described in words. The whole nature looks bright and appears in celestial light. Any one can enjoy this enjoyable event. A moonlit night is really enjoyable to newly married couple. Men and women of middle ages can not come out of doors. They pass some hours in gossiping and story telling and enjoy the night. Poets of all languages have sung highly of a moonlit night. Students can enjoy this night with their friend circles. In one word we can say that a moonlit night is pleasant and fine moment to enjoy.

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